News and events

Production and organization of exhibition events in Puglia

Starting from 2017 ApuliaAste has created Apulia Eventi, a space dedicated to the production and organization of exhibition events in partnership with public bodies, foundations and museums. Having collaborated for over 20 years with Opera Arte e Arti in the creation of exclusive institutional exhibitions, Apulia Eventi boasts the opportunity to participate in national and European calls.

Special attention is paid to the creation of Modern and Contemporary Art exhibitions. The partnership with the Tree Life company currently in place will also lead to the presentation of innovative multimedia projects, always linked to art as well as to demo-ethno-anthropological paths.

For the scientific aspect, the team makes use of prestigious collaborations with art historians and university departments.


XI° event: May 16 - June 05, 2024

OPENING: May 16, 2024


Cultural hypogeum Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera–Magna Grecia

(Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera-Magna Grecia and aps MaterAcqua ets is glad to announce the collective exhibition (IM)POSSIBLE ELEMENTS, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono,  that will be held in Matera at cultural hypogeum Lega Navale Italiana, from May 16 to June 05, 2024.

The exhibition offers a reflection on the four elements of nature that compose reality: air, fire, water, and earth, which have always been a source of inspiration for artists, thinkers, and poets of all eras.
(IM)POSSIBLE ELEMENTS is an invitation to explore the balance of life's contrasts, as a journey to research harmony in a world full of cultural and social differences.

The collective exhibition
(IM)POSSIBLE ELEMENTS is part of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best international artistic talents, that stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development and incentive for international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.

Cultural hypogeum Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera-Magna Grecia | via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING May 16, 2024 | starting from 6:30 PM
May 16 – June 05, 2024 | 10:00AM-12:00PM | 5:00 PM - 7:00PM
From Tuesday to Sunday |

SPONSORSHIP: Comune di Matera, Provincia di Matera, Assessorato Ambiente Basilicata



X° evento: 10-28 Febbraio 2024

INAUGURAZIONE: 08 Febbraio 2024


Contenitore culturale Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera – Magna Grecia

(Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaborazione Associazione MaterAcqua, è lieta di annunciare la mostra collettiva Be Yourself - Be Contemporary, curata dalla Storica dell’Arte dott.ssa Carmela Loiacono, che si terrà dal 10 al 28 febbraio 2024, presso il contenitore culturale Lega Navale a Matera.

La mostra si propone di esplorare la creatività intesa come spazio infinito di emozioni e sentimenti, che si manifesta attraverso segni, forme e colori, generando opere che comunicano l'espressione dell'animo umano.
L'atto creativo è libero, puro, soggettivo, dettato da conoscenze, stimoli, paure e desideri di ciascun artista che è invitato a riflettere sulla condizione umana in relazione alla società contemporanea.

La mostra collettiva Be Yourself - Be Contemporary fa parte di RenovArt | 100 Artisti per il Futuro, progetto curatoriale dedicato ai migliori talenti artistici internazionali, che nasce dalla forte esigenza di una nuova rinascita nel campo dell’arte, quale segnale di rinnovamento, sviluppo e incentivo per gli artisti a sviluppare e accrescere le proprie capacità artistiche per la conoscenza dell'Arte Contemporanea.

Contenitore culturale Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italia
INAUGURAZIONE 08 Febbraio 2024 | a partire dalle ore 18:30
10-28 Febbraio 2024 | 10:00-12:00 | 17:00-19:00 | Da martedì a domenica |

PATROCINI: Comune di Matera, Provincia di Matera, Assessorato Ambiente Basilicata


IX° event: September 14, 2023 - October 08, 2023


Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia

(Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera - Magna Grecia and MaterAcqua, is glad to announce the collective exhibition Inner Colors, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be held at Lega Navale venue, from September 14, 2023 to October 08, 2023.

"Color is a power that directly influences the soul." Vasilij Kandinskij
The color has always played a fundamental role since ancient times and it's a tangible testimony in art and especially in the psychology of each human being.
Artists are invited to reflect on themselves, on the reality around them, and the meaning and choice of colors and shades of color that characterize their works as synonymous of their identity and personality.

The collective exhibition Inner Colors is part of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best international artistic talents, that stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development and incentive for international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.

Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING September 14, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
September 14 – October 08, 2023 | 10:00AM-12:00PM | 5:00 PM - 7:00PM | From Tuesday to Sunday | Entry free

SPONSORSHIP: Comune di Matera, Provincia di Matera, Assessorato Ambiente Basilicata


VIII° event: June 01 - 30, 2023


Galleria Spazio Opera (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste, in mutual collaboration with K-Art International, is glad to announce the collective exhibition Shapes of Nature, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera at Spazio Opera Gallery, from June 01 to 30, 2023.

“In all things of nature there is something wonderful". Aristotle
The nature
is a source of inspiration for artists and it provides some elements that allow the reflection on what surrounds the human being and coexists with his physical and mental presence. Therefore, the knowledge of nature leads to the exploration of new worlds and new realities that sublimate the individual to a higher level of existence.
Shapes of Nature aims to create a new link between art and nature, from which each artist could be able to sublimate oneself and express own being in a free and unconditional way.
Shapes of Nature is part of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best international artistic talents, that stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development and incentive for international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.

Spazio Opera Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING June 01, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
June 01 – 30, 2023 | 10:00 AM-12:00 PM | 5:00 PM - 7:00PM | From Tuesday to Sunday |


VII° event: May 08 - 26,  2023


Contenitore culturale - venue of Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia
(Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with MaterAcqua, is glad to announce the collective exhibition Panta Rhei, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera, from May 08 to 26, 2023.

“Everything flows. We are always identical to ourselves but at the same time we are constantly changing”. Being is a process in continuous evolution, like a river that apparently remains identical but is subject to time: it's renewed and transformed. Artists are invited to reflect on themselves and their life experiences, trying to understand how their lives change and evolve in relation to their dreams, desires and determination.
Panta Rhei is part of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best international artistic talents, that stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development and incentive for international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.

Contenitore culturale - venue of Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING May 08, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
May 08 – 26, 2023      10:00 AM-12:00 PM   5:00 PM - 7:00PM   From Tuesday to Sunday   

SPONSORSHIP: Comune di Matera, Provincia di Matera, Regione Basilicata, Assessorato Ambiente Basilicata, Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019, Università Basilicata

RenovArt - Flowing Identities

VI° itinerant event: April 12 - 26, 2023


Spazio Opera Gallery (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste is glad to announce the new exhibition Flowing Identities, itinerant event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera at Spazio Opera Gallery, from April 12 to 26, 2023.

Galleria Spazio Opera - Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italia
OPENING April 12, 2023   starting from 6:30 PM
April 12 – 26, 2023      10:00 AM-12:00 PM   5:00 PM - 7:00PM   From Tuesday to Sunday   

RenovArt - Flowing Identities

V° itinerant event: March 01 - 22, 2023


Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia (Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, is glad to announce Flowing Identities, the 5th event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be hosted in Matera at Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, from March 01 to March 22, 2023.

Flowing Identities
is a itinerant exhibition based on the fluidity of life, compared to the flow of a river, as like a primary source of existence, symbol of rebirth and purification. Water is a liquid element, adaptable, receptive, able to shape the territory, as well as the experiences of daily life characterize the personality of the human being. The exhibition allows anyone to approach the world of Contemporary Art with a broader and fluid vision, able to understand every facet of the artworks, as a result of thoughts, emotions, moods and experiences of artists presented in a place where there is a strong connection between water and land.

Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING March 01, 2023 | starting from 6:30PM
March 01 – 22, 2023 | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM e 5:00 PM -7:00PM | From Tuesday to Sunday |

RenovArt | 100 Artists FOR THE FUTURE

IV° event: December 05, 2022 - January 03, 2023


Spazio Opera Gallery (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste announce the new event of the curatorial project RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, the new event of the curatorial project RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, dedicated to the best national and international artistic talents, that will be held at Spazio Opera Gallery in Matera, from December 05 to January 03, 2022.

RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Dr. Historian Carmela Loiacono, stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development, and incentive for national and international artists to develop and increase their artistic skills for the knowledge of Contemporary Art.


Spazio Opera Gallery - Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING December 05, 2022 | starting from 06:30 PM
December 05, 2022 - January 03, 2023   10:00-12:00AM and 06:00-8:00PM   Tuesday – Sunday 

solo exhibition PINO OLIVA 


November 03 - 27, 2022



ApuliaAste, in collaboration with LATTUADA GALLERY Milano and Galleria Opera Arte & Arti Matera, is proud to announce the solo exhibition of Pino Oliva, Le Realtà Sospese, curated by Massimo Guastella, that will be held at LATTUADA GALLERY in Milano, from November 03 to 27, 2022.

RenovArt | 100 Artists For the future 

III° event: November 03-30, 2022


Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia (Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, is proud to announce the third event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best national and international artistic talents, , curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, that will be held at Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia in Matera, from November 03 to 30, 2022.

Lega Navale Italiana Sezione di Matera – Magna Grecia, via Fiorentini 103-107 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING November 03, 2022 | starting from 6:30 PM
November 03-30, 2022 | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM and 05:00-7:00PM | Monday – Saturday | Free entry

For more information about the participation in RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future send an e-mail to the curator Carmela Loiacono, Art Historian:

solo exhibition nando stevoli 

Opening October 22, 2022 -6:30PM


SPAZIO OPERA (Piazzia Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste, in collaboration with LATTUADA GALLERY Milano and Galleria Opera Arte & Arti Matera, is proud to announce the solo exhibition of Nando Stevoli, that will be held at Spazio Opera in Matera, until the end of November 2022.

solo exhibition ANDREA ROGGI

September 21 - Dicember 31, 2022



ApuliaAste, in collaboration with Galleria Opera Arte & Arti Matera, is proud to announce the solo exhibition of Andrea Roggi, that will be held from Settember 21 to Dicember 31, 2022, at Chiesa del Purgatorio in Matera.

RenovArt | 100 Artists FOR THE FUTURE

Second event: July 07 - 31, 2022


Spazio Opera (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste is proud to announce the second appointment of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best national and international artistic talents, that will be held at Spazio Opera in Matera, from July 07-31, 2022, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono.

Spazio Opera Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING July 07, 2022 | starting from 06:30 PM
July 7-31, 2022 | 10:00-12:00AM and 05:00-8:00PM | Tuesday – Sunday | Free entry

Info for partecipation

For more information about the participation in RenovArt   100 Artists for the Future send an e-mail to the curator Carmela Loiacono, Art Historian:

RenovArt video screening Festival 

June 15 - 30, 2022


Spazio Opera (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste is pleased to announce the opening of RenovArt Video Art screening Festival, a selection of video art works, that will be screened at Spazio Opera in Matera, from June 15 to 30, 2022.
RenovArt Video Art screening Festival is part of the curatorial project RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by
Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono.
Artists, video makers and filmmakers present their video art works in the city of Matera, on the theme of a new rebirth in the field of Art, as a sign of renewal, development, and incentive to continue their work for the future generations.

Spazio Opera Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
June 15-30, 2022 | 10:00-12:00AM and 04:00-8:00PM

Tuesday – Sunday | Free entry

Info for partecipation

For more information about the participation in RenovArt   100 Artists for the Future send an e-mail to the curator Carmela Loiacono, Art Historian:

RenovArt | 100 Artists For the future

First event: May 20, 2022 - June 30, 2022


Spazio Opera (Piazza Duomo, 14)

ApuliaAste is proud to announce the opening of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curatorial project dedicated to the best national and international artistic talents, that will be held at Spazio Opera, in Matera from May 20 to June 30, 2022.

RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, curated by Art Historian Dr. Carmela Loiacono, stems from the strong need for a new rebirth in the field of art, as a sign of renewal, development, and incentive for national and international artists.

Spazio Opera Piazza Duomo, 14 - 75100, Matera, Italy
OPENING May 20, 2022 | 06:00 PM
May 20 - June 30, 2022 | 10:00-12:00AM and 04:00-8:00PM | Tuesday – Sunday | Free entry

For more information about the participation in RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future send an e-mail to the curator Carmela Loiacono, Art Historian:

Giacomo Manzù - The emotions of form

curated by Massimo Guastella

scientific coordination by Nicola Loi


Church of the Purgatory (Via Ridola)

  • inauguration: October 1, 2021
  • hours: 18.30
  • date: from October 2, 2021 to the January 31, 2022

Event granted by the Diocesan Institute for the Support of the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Matera - Irsina

Click on link  to see the full video

our upcoming news


12° event of RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future

MATERA | September 12 - October 02, 2024

Lega Navale Italiana Sezione Matera – Magna Grecia (Via Fiorentini, 103-107)

"In all things of nature there is something wonderful". Aristotle
The nature is a source of inspiration for artists and it provides some elements that allow the reflection on what surrounds the human being and coexists with his physical and mental presence. Therefore, the knowledge of nature leads to the exploration of new worlds and new realities that sublimate the individual to a higher level of existence.
Shapes of Nature aims to create a new link between art and nature, from which each artist could be able to sublimate oneself and express own being in a free and unconditional way.


To take part in the project RenovArt | 100 Artists for the Future, send your portfolio, CV and biography to the curator Art Historian Carmela Loiacono:

Info for partecipation
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